It’s no secret that cycling has many benefits for your health, both physically and mentally. But what about our children? For them it means staying healthy, happy, and having fun whilst being active. In 2019, The Bikeability Trust commissioned a study that looked at cycling as a family. It found that many parents said it made their child happy, physically fitter and stronger and helped their child feel less stressed after cycling as a family.

Talking to Neil Canham, Sustrans Cymru Deputy Director about the benefits of cycling, he said:

Our streets cannot afford more congestion and air pollution. Not only will walking, cycling or scooting help children and their families stay fit and healthy, it will also prevent roads from becoming gridlocked and help improve air quality.”

Frog Bikes Sky models shoot,Surrey, August 2014

Aside from the health benefits, there are a number of reasons it’s good to cycle with your children. Here are just a few!


Believe it or not, cycling gives children a sense of freedom they’ve likely not encountered before. Once they’ve mastered balance biking or riding their bike, it’s something they get to do on their own without much assistance. This can help improve their confidence, motor skills and make them more aware of their surroundings.

There’s a lot to be said for fostering a sense of independence and allowing them to figure things out for themselves whilst improving concentration and coordination.


Riding a bike is easy when you know how. Not to use the cliché, ‘it’s just like riding a bike,’ but it’s used for a reason. However, we all know that it’s more work than we realise and this can vary depending on weather, terrain and location.

Not only are they learning things when they ride, but it can also teach them about looking after something on their own, whether that’s washing it, putting it away and helping to take care of their bike for themselves.  It can also help a lot with social skills as they learn to interact with a wider range of people out on bike rides.


Family Time

Cycling is a great time to bond and spend time together. It also means getting out to discover new places in your local area as a family. Plus, the biggest benefit of all is you are all improving your fitness while doing it. There’s nothing better than being able to switch off, get outdoors and enjoy a ride together.

Outside is Free

As screen time increases for all of us, including our children, it’s important that we dedicate time to being outside. A 2012 study by The National Trust found that as children grow their ‘electronic addictions’ increase. Whether it’s TV, mobile phones or tablets, we are all guilty of spending too much time focused on a screen.

Getting outdoors has a whole host of benefits for our physical and mental wellbeing including helping with stress, focus and getting a better night’s sleep.


Just For Fun

Not to state the obvious, but it is pretty fun. Most of us can recall cycling as a child, exploring new places, going faster and further than before, and having adventures with our friends.

Whatever the reason, cycling with your children can be a memorable experience and provide entertainment and fun for all the family. There’s no better way to get around and encouraging your children to cycle when they are young gives them the freedom to choose cycling as a transport option throughout their lives. See our range of children’s bikes here.


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