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16" Wheel Kids' Bikes

Many 16” wheel kid’s bike will be suitable for children around 4-6 years old and 104-122cm. This will also depend on their height, riding ability, and inside leg measurement. In this size range you will likely see a few options with stabilisers, two brakes, and tyres suitable for a range of terrain.

With girls, boys, and unisex options available, we have bikes in stock from Frog, Giant, Scott and more meaning you can find the right bike for your child. For children, size is important, children grow at different rates so making sure you check the height charts and brand recommendations is important. We wouldn’t advise getting a bike they can grow into, instead focus on getting a bike that fits now at a weight they can manage.

If you want to talk through any of the options, or getting the right size, get in touch. You can reach us on live chat, email us, or give us a call.

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